
  1. Getting Started
  2. Local development

Installing xObserve

It's easy to use source code building and running xObserve from scratch. You can download the latest release from Github.

  1. Build query service

    Server is written in Go, so you need to install Go environments first.

    Then running command on the right in `xObserveRoot/query` dir.

    go build -o xobserve
  2. Start server

    Still in `xObserveRoot/query` dir, executing the binary file compiled in the previous step.

    Finally, you can see the following output, which means that the server has started successfully.

    ./xobserve --config xobserve.yamlINFO[08-22|13:40:25] xObserve is listening on address            address=:10086
  3. Build frontend UI

    Open another terminal and go to `xObserveRoot/ui` dir, then run the following command to install the dependencies.

    nvm use nodeyarn install
  4. Start frontend dev server

    For local development purpose, there is no need to use Nginx, so we should start the ViteJS dev server.

    vite➜  Vite Local:

Try xObserve in browser

It's really easy and fast, right? Now you can open Chrome or Safari browser and visit http://localhost:5173 to explore xObserve UI.

What to read next

  • xObserve Tutorials

    Learn the tutorial and get familiar with xObserve's core concepts and features.

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