
  1. Tutorials
  2. How to find a dashboard

We have created two dashboards now, if count in the home dashboard, there are three in total.

You should already know how to visit Home dashboard: by clicking the Home icon in the top section of sidebar.


Here is the question: how to find the other two dashboards?

There are two ways: one is to search, the other is to link it to sidebar which will be explained in next doc.

Click the Search icon in the bottom section of sidebar, this will open the search panel.

You should already see the two dashboards created in previous docs. Try to click the dashboard name to visit them.

In search modal, we can also search dashboards by name, id, tags or teams. Next, let’s try to search by tags.

Add tags to dashboard

Visit User stats dashboard through search panel, then open the dashboard settings.

In General tab, find the Tags field, input tag name users and press Enter key to add it.


Exist settings and save the dashboard, then visit the search panel again.


You should see uses tag in the dashboard card.

Filter by tags

Find the tags filter in the top right of search panel:


Select users tag and see what happens.

Try to add more tags to Home, User stats dashboard and Hosts info, then filter by tags.

The logic tags filter uses is and, which means if you have selected multiple tags, only dashboards that have all tags will be shown.