First steps
Installation and Start xobserve
Benifit of having a clean codebase, xObserve's installation is very simple, especially for Developers !
Installing xObserve
In this sectionl, we will deploy our UI static files and api server in different hosts. First, let's download the `source code` of xObserve from Github, and prepared two servers for hosting xobserve:
1. for hosting xobserve server( api server )
2. for hosting UI static files ( through nginx )
Configure API server address in UI
Because our UI static files and api server are deployed in different hosts, so we need to configure the API server address for UI to access.
let's assume your xobserve server( which is also API server ) is running at , you can also use a domain name here, such as ``
Find the `.env` file under `ui` directory, and modify it's content to :
Build the release files
Now, we can build the release files by calling `` in the root directory of xObserve source code
Release directory
When building release files is done, you should see a `release` directory in the root of xobserve source code.
There are three `.zip` files in `release` directory, unzip the one you need( let's assume you are using linux for hosting), you should see below files that we need to deploy xobserve:
1. xobserve: Binary file for starting xobserve server (api server)
2. xobserve.yaml: Config file for xobserve server
3. xobserve.sql: Sql source for Mysql database
4. ui directory: UI static files, you can deploy this to nginx or Github pages.
SourceCodeRoot/release/linuxlinux % lsxobserve xobserve.sql xobserve.yaml ui
Deploy xobserve api server
Copy `xobserve` binary file and `xobserve.yaml` to the server with ip `` , modify the `xobserve.yaml` and start xobserve server: `./xobserve --config xobserve.yaml` ## xobserve server address addr: ""
Deploy UI
Now you can deploy `ui` directory to `Nginx`, let's assume the IP of `nginx` server is `` static files in release/ui directory to nginx
Try xObserve in browser
It's more complex than the previous installation sections, but if your are familar with web deployment, you should not feel hard in this process :) Now let's can open Chrome or Safari browser and visit to access our xObserve UI which is deployed on nginx server.
If you open the inspector of Chrome, you will see all of the xobserve requests are requesting to our api server -
What to read next
xObserve Tutorials
Learn the tutorial and get familiar with xObserve's core concepts and features.