
  1. External Plugins
  2. Remove plugins

There are two ways to remove external plugins, we recommend that general users use the first method. If you are a plugin developer or encounter unexpected situations, you can use the second method.

Remove through script

Let’s remove the panel plugin demo installed in previous chapters through the script:

  1. Enter the ui/external-plugins directory of the xObserve source code and run the following script
go run removePlugin.go panel.demo

When you see the Remove plugins successfully! prompt, it means that the plugin has been successfully removed.

Note that the script will not delete the source code under ui/external-plugins/panel, if you do not manually delete the source code, the next time you run the plugins install script, the plugin will still be installed

Remove multiple plugins at the same time

If you want to delete multiple plugins at the same time, it is strongly recommended to complete it in the same script call. Since some limitations in the current implementation, if you delete a plugin and do not delete its source code directory, it will continue to be installed when you delete the next plugin!!

go run removePlugin.go panel.demo,datasource.demo

The above statement will delete the demo plugin of the panel type and the demo plugin of the data source type at the same time.

Manually remove

You can also manually delete the plugin, take the datasource plugin demo as an example.

  1. Enter ui/public/plugins/external/datasource directory
  2. Delete demo.svg icon
  3. Modify plugins.json to remove string: {"type":"demo"}
  4. Enter ui/src/views/dashboard/plugins/external directory
  5. Modify plugins.ts and remove import DemoDatasrouceComponents from "./datasource/demo", "demo": DemoDatasrouceComponents,.
  6. Enter ui/src/views/dashboard/plugins/external/datasource directory
  7. Delete demo directory

Up to now, the demo data source plugin has been deleted. The steps you manually completed are exactly the same as the steps executed by the removePlugin.go script.

Therefore, if you don’t need the plugin, don’t forget to manually delete the source code directory of the plugin ui/external-plugins/datasource/demo.